See this is the superpower of being sensitive. We care so much. So much that sometimes we’re flooded, overwhelmed, and don’t know what to do. But we care so much.
In every relationship, disconnection happens. While it may be normal, it isn’t healthy. When disconnection seeps into a relationship, what we do with it matters most.
Dating is challenging and dating in the mountains has its own unique challenges. A main challenge is the shear lack of it. There are hook-ups and hang outs. But, rarely is there a proper date. With the lack of healthy dating emerges a new character to the relationship scene: The Master of First Dates.
Being busy has nothing to do with being productive or fulfilled. Busyness is merely distraction wrapped up in convincing packaging. This dramatically impacts our relationships!
Seeking out counseling is usually nerve racking, vulnerable, and scary for most. That initial phone call to a therapist is usually one the hardest first steps. At least that’s what I hear from my clients…
Go on, ask for what you want and more so what you need. Lay claim to what is true for you. Trust me it’s a good thing.
Not every relationship is meant to last. It’s important to understand not only when to end a relationship but how to end it.
Why is it that date night remains the most common suggestion for struggling relationships, while it also continues to fail as a helpful remedy?
To all my fellow single people, grieving people, hurting people, lonely people: This year, the holidays are going to be really hard. And so, we have to courageously reach out. We have to risk it. And perhaps we can help those who love us understand, all we need is company and compassion.